A-frame. Create VR 3D worlds, games and simulations directly in our web browser with HTML and JavaScript. För Quest, Rift, WMR, SteamVR, mobile, desktop

Make 3D worlds with HTML and Entity-Component For Quest, Rift, WMR, SteamVR, mobile, desktop - quote from aframe.io

In dec 2016 I wrote about, in Swedish, three.js and how it was possible to create VR directly in the browser. It took some time to set up so my intresset trickled down. A week ago I head about a framework för three.js called A-frame. It was easier to set up and if it sounds interesting gå to aframe.io

Start here to Learn A-frame - Codecademy or here A-frame School. You can see my progress here on GitHub

Try it out here: Hello World or click and drag in the frame below. Try using wasd to move in the frame

You can even make VR games in A-frame
